Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Monotasking Barney Williams

For this "monotasking" assignment I have chosen to focus on a major area in my life, homework. Often I find myself in the library late at night having already been there for a while and yet not even remotely close to being finished with what I had set out to do in the first place. I find that once I get there and get all settled in that I simply drift away from what I first came for to stuff that has less importance. The reason behind this could simply be that I am indeed neglecting the concept of monotasking. Instead I am simply multitasking while ironically it is causing me to get less work done. How does that make sense? Multi versus mono, obviously one sounds more productive than the other but when I saw the Ted podcast an example quickly came to my mind. It is as simple as walking. One foot in front of the other. If you try and put both feet foward or backwards at once, multitask, you will not walk properly. I see this opportunity to monotask as beginning to walk. The more that I practice the more comfortable that I will become. As walking progresses soon running so to speak will come into play and I will be on my way to a quicker more efficient way to study. There is no reason to get distracted by the everyday tasks that life has to offer. But rather to embrace them one by one. Whether it be in school or whatever it may be the way to avoid simple overload could very well be found in the Ted video monotasking. There are many organizing techiques and trust me I have tried them all but monotasking does indeed ring true and of value more than any other that I have heard of or tried. I often find myself stressed and at the mercy of a multitude of tasks but after this Ted presentation I can honestly say that I have a new stragtegy to tackle this issue and put it to rest.

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