Monday, February 25, 2013

Kid President- Barney Williams

Aside from being inspiring on the surface, there is a deeper level to this video when pertaining to the michael jordan part of the video. A valid point was made with the space jam movie aspect. If michael jordan had of quit there would be plenty of things that would have never of been such as the shoe line, his commercials, and of course his basketball career among many other things but the fact that out of everything the kid president mentioned space jam, a seemingly small part of his career. By doing this it infers that you do not have to change the world to add something awesome as he puts it. You simply have to do what you can with what you have. Big and small these acts of goodness add to the idea of life as a whole. We are all on one team as he puts it; the team of life. It is not one persons contribution to this world that makes it awesome but rather a combination of contributions. The small things such as space jam and the big things such as michael jordan's career as a whole. There are so many parts to life that make it as awesome and beautiful as it is today. We all play our own part in it and as a result each have a role in this awesome team (life) that we are on. The overall message is basically as said before do what you can with what you have and add to the beauty of the world. Another way to look at it is seeing the world as a huge jigsaw puzzle. We are all a piece of the puzzle and while some pieces are bright and stick out others are dim and blend in but when you take a step back and look at the picture as a whole its beauty can be recognized. We all have a part to play in this puzzle. Do what you can with what you have to add to it.

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