Sunday, February 10, 2013

Organic Foods Katie Anderson

     I have grown up eating organic foods for a majority of my life now because my mom is very concerned about our family’s health, which has resulted in me having always been interested in my health, but to be honest, I have not looked into much about my health or organic foods.  Therefor, my research paper will focus on a healthy lifestyle and more specifically, I will be focusing on organic foods and the pros and cons to this style of eating.  This has always been a big interest of mine and now I can finally find out more about it through much research!  Some questions that I have that will help to guide my research will be “What exactly makes a food organic?” “Are organic foods reasonably priced?” “What are the benefits to eat organic foods over conventional foods?” and “What does society as a whole think of organic foods?”  There are a lot of questions and concerns that not only I, but also much of society have concerning organic foods and I hope to be able to find out more information about these questions in order to make an educated answer.  In my thesis I will be focusing on the benefits of organic foods.  Throughout this research paper, I will be focusing on the benefits or organic foods to humans and their health and immune system, but I will also mention the other sides argument relating to the negative effects of organic foods, which I believe there are very few.  Sources from which I will be gathering my information from will likely be health based articles that doctors have written, focusing on the pros of eating organic foods.  There are also many collegiate articles out there in regards to organic foods.  In the end, I hope that whoever may end up reading this research paper, will see the benefits of eating organic foods and how it helps your way of living and most importantly how it helps your immune system!

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