Monday, February 25, 2013

My Space Jam: Sadie M.

I too loved the movie "Space Jam" while growing up. It was the first movie I had ever seen that employed live actors with cartoons and it rocked my world! It makes me really happy to think that kids today are still being inspired by it like I was when I was young. It just goes to show that movies are timeless and can be enjoyed over and over with each generation. 
I also wish that this post was easier for me to write. I wish that I knew exactly what I wanted to do with my life and that I had the perfect plan on how to leave my mark on the world; but I do not. I do hope that the little things I do now count as "my space jam" because it's really all I have to show. I think one of the major misconceptions of the video is that in  order to change the world you have to go out and make a major motion picture or something of equally epic proportions. I think it's just as respectable to try and change the world through little, every-day actions: politeness, patience and respect towards others, for example. In the beginning of the clip, he states that "we should all play for the same team." I think this was my favorite message of the video. So much of what I've observed recently seems to lead me to the same conclusion, people are so cruel to one another. All I hear are harsh judgements and assumptions about strangers based on their appearance and how "he" or "she" or "they" are terrible because of reasons "A" "B" and "C". I'm so tired of it. I'm not much of a spiritual person but I can feel all the negativity dragging me down until I feel like I have nothing left. I'm self conscious because of all the harsh comments I hear every day. I'm terrified of trying something new because of how judgmental people are. Life is not a competition, it's cereal! we're all fruit loops swimming in the same milky ocean trying to get by. You don't need to put other down, because it won't raise you any higher. I'm so sick of everyone thinking that insulting people will make what they do better. Why does everything have to have a winner and loser? Why can't more than one person succeed?
If I can ever figure out a way to get that message across to society- I think that will be "My Space Jam"

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