Monday, February 25, 2013

"Here's your chance, do your dance at the Space Jam" Mariah Lawrence

Okay first of all, as everyone else has said, this kid is the bomb. I absolutely adore him! This is the first time I have seen this video and it was exactly what I needed this week. I put so much pressure on myself and trying to fit life into the plan I’ve made for myself. This shows me that it might not always be what I want that happens to me, the universe has a big roll in it. I am a very spiritual person and I do believe that the world has a plan and I believe in Karma, and I believe that everything happens for a reason. I would like to say that, since I am a pre-vet major, that my “Space Jam” is to make a difference in the life of animals. In reality, my goal is so much more simple than that; I just want to make a difference to someone or something. The way the kid president describes Michael Jordan (definitely almost typed “Jackson”) really highlights the point I want to get across. He says that if Michael Jordan never played basketball, “Space Jam” would never have been created. He didn’t talk about how the world had been changed forever by his insane baller skills. He talked about something that seems so insignificant in his career as a whole, but that is what made a difference to him! Basically what I’m saying is that I don’t want to change the world, I can live my entire life happily without my name meaning something to the entire world. I just want to make a small, significant difference  in someone’s life. Wether it’s fixing their pet, or being the friend they can always count on, or teaching a little girl to do her first pliĆ©. I’m not looking to be a magical garden blooming with innovation and change, I simply want to be a single flower in that garden that can grow and develop while sharing a little bit of fertilizer here and there. 

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